After living in the 18ème for three and a half years, at the end of last year, I made the move to the rive gauche and the Latin quarter. While I was sad to leave my beloved Montmartre behind, I was excited at the opportunity to discover a whole new arrondissement.

The 5th is a “nice” arrondissement, clean, safe, and quiet (excluding the bustling rue Mouffetard and Place de la Contrescarpe). With the Sorbonne nearby, there are a lot of international students around, making locals more accustomed to foreigners, and I’ve found, more friendly.

When I used to visit Paris before moving here, I would stay in the 5th. Back then, I didn’t find there was much of a food scene. But how things have changed! There are now plenty of options when it comes to dining out. For some of my favourites, head to HiP Paris.

All photography by Alison Postma.