In Australia, cider is a very popular drink. If you don’t like beer (like me), a pint of cider is often your drink of choice on a hot summers day down at the pub with your friends. The craft beer and cider industry in Australia is big, likely due to our British roots.
So when I first moved to Paris just over three years ago and tried to order a cidre in a bistro or a bar, I was disappointed. Usually they wouldn’t have any, or if they did, there would only be one option and it would be in a bottle, not on tap like back in Australia.

I discovered that French cider is quite different to its Australian or British counterparts. Traditional French cidre usually comes from Normandy or Brittany, and the French often drink it while eating crêpes or galettes. You can get brut or doux, but even brut is a bit sweeter than what I’m used to. And doux is often only 2-3% alcohol, while in Australia cider is usually between 4.5-6%.
France has made some headway in the craft beer industry, but it still has a lot of catching up to do, and even more so when it comes to cider. But over the years, I’ve discovered some great French cider brands that are leading the way, which you can find over at HiP Paris.